Sue Lantz Presents: Selecting and Preparing a Team of Caregivers

Sue Lantz Presents: Selecting and Preparing a Team of Caregivers

Join us for this interactive workshop to help you plan your later life and caregiving plans more holistically and practically. During this workshop, you will learn how you can take a “travel planning’ approach to organizing key aspects of aging and caregiving successfully. This workshop will be led by Sue Lantz, Managing Director of Collaborative Aging, along with expert lawyer, David Wiebe of the law firm, Taylor, McAffrey LLP in Manitoba.

We will explore models of organizing a team, selecting the people to act on your behalf (if required) including your legal proxy or Substitute Decision Maker. Along with this, we will discuss ways to prepare your team through conversation, planning and documentation tools or methods. such as Advance Care Plans. 

You will come away from this workshop with more clarity about your choices, considerations, and strategies that create a more sustainable caregiving situation for yourself, and the people you care about.

This workshop will illustrate the “how to” aspects of selecting the right team of trusted people, (including a mix of unpaid and paid people) and the steps that can be taken to prepare them. A key facet of preparing people is having clear roles defined in terms of the different types of advice and supports you may need, as your needs change. This session also illustrates the benefits broader thinking and planning based on one’s desired quality of life as part of Advance Care Planning. This holistic and collaborative planning approach provides your caregivers and/or substitute decision makers (POA) with a clear understanding of your values, wishes and directions based on different possible future health scenarios – such as, the onset of a serious illness, or a progressive disease, and/or brain health and cognitive change.

We will cover the different aspects of preparing your team members in specific ways:

  • Having essential conversations (directly or facilitated) to communicate your plans, wishes and directions.
  • Seeking the right legal or financial advice to ensure proper documentation of plans, wishes and directions.

A series of stories will be shared that illustrate the benefits of taking this collaborative approach to planning and preparing caregivers.

To register for this event, please click here.

Event Information

Event Date 04-24-2024 10:00 am
Event End Date 04-24-2024 11:30 am
Capacity Unlimited
Cut off date 04-19-2024 4:00 pm
Individual Price Free - Pre-Registration Required
Location Virtual